The wait is over! The NEW EBSCO package is here!
Thank you so much to the volunteers, representing libraries of all types and sizes, who took time out of their busy schedules to review and provide feedback on the different vendor products.
All of the databases from the old package are still included, PLUS we added 7 new databases.
If you are looking for the direct URLs for these new resources, please contact Kira Zimmerman.
We also have exciting news regarding accessibility!
Coming later this year, EBSCO will have a new interface that is more accessible. Please see all the new features in this short video.
As a reminder:
This cost-savings program isn’t just a subscription for a host of databases and educational content; it’s a full-support service. 32 databases are a lot to manage and promote to your patrons. CLiC is happy to set up a virtual meeting with you — to help you set up your resources within EBSCO, and on your website, to make everything the most user-friendly for your communities/students. Here is a short video regarding the difference between interfaces and databases so you are better equipped to arrange your EBSCO resources in a more efficient way for your patrons.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Kira Zimmerman, Cooperative Products Manager
Jim Duncan, Executive Director