June AspenCat Users’ Group Meeting Overview

Koha upgrades, exciting cooperative purchases, Discovery Layer updates, and more! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes. You can also listen to the meeting here. [Read more…]

cloudLibrary Pledges are Here!

Every year, we ask AspenCat Member Libraries to pledge money for the upcoming year, so that we ensure your patrons have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks. This year, with many of your patrons continuing to stay home more and explore our Pay Per Use collection, that pledge is even more important. If you do not know much about cloudLibrary or do not see the benefit to your patrons, please see the following fast facts!

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2019 AspenCat Conference

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

  • 2019 AspenCat Users Group Meeting
     October 7, 2019 - October 8, 2019
     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join us at the Community College of Aurora beginning Monday, October 7, 2019 for the Annual AspenCat Conference!  This is a FREE event and includes lunch and breakfast snacks. Please register for this event by September 29th. While this is a free event for AspenCat libraries, scholarships are available help cover some travel and/or lodging (more…)

AspenCat User’s Group Meeting

Please join us for the
2018 AspenCat Users Group Meeting
at the Community College of Aurora!

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AspenCat User’s Group Meeting 2018

Please join us for the
2018 AspenCat Users Group Meeting
at the Community College of Aurora!

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