Discovery Layer updates, Back to School Cataloging Classes, and MORE! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes! You can also listen to the meeting here.
- Discovery Layer Updates
- Browse Categories:
- We can now set a start and stop date if you’re interested in seasonal or temporary browse categories.
- An Adult Award Winners Browse Category is now available!
- Patrons can now see a “Last Checkout On” next to titles they have previously checked out.
- Web indexing is available! We can set up your Discovery Layer to add a “search in library website” to your search bar.
- Back to School Cataloging Classes (schedule below)
- Quality and quick cataloging can save you time and improve the integrity of our catalog (making it easier for patrons to find what they need). Please consider attending and/or having staff attend. These will be recorded.
Session Topics Covered Time (minutes) Date (All webinars to start at 12pm) Cataloging Workflow Document Part I ISBN Search, when to attach and when not to, adding an ISBN, Z39.50 search basics 30 9/7/2021 Cataloging Workflow Document Part II Media cataloging, duplicating a record, changing a close record, 942c 30 9/14/2021 Original Cataloging When to create a record from scratch, Marc cheat sheet, Fast Adds 30 9/28/2021 Cataloging Cleanup Overlays, Merges, Moving items, Item Data Cleanup, Cleanup Reports 30 10/5/2021 Top 5 Cataloging Mistakes Wrong info in leader, Periodical standards, importing of electronic resources, ISBN instead of barcode, capitalization/punctuation 20 10/12/2021
- AspenCat added as target in z39.50
- This is another cataloging failsafe. You can now search our own catalog in the z39.50, in case you missed looking for it before using the z39.50 search. If you click on the arrow next to “server”, it should show AspenCat first. If a record pops up in AspenCat, you can go back and do a more thorough search in the AspenCat catalog and add your item.
- Prospector/ILL Plugin Update
Colorado College is using an API that connects Koha to Prospector. If that goes as well as expected, it will be the best way to connect AspenCat to Prospector/SWIFT. Dates are unknown as to when this will happen, but it is expected that this will be an easier way to do ILL outside of AspenCat. Libraries who weren’t sure about the previous solution will want to look at this new solution, once it is implemented.
- Double Koha Upgrade
- This past year, ByWater was doing a server infrastructure project, so they did not do the last upgrade…which means we are getting a double upgrade in November/December. There will likely be more changes than usual, but some good updates, too! Our development to remove items from the Holds Queue once checked in will be implemented!
- Would you like to help us test? Our Koha sandbox will be upgraded in September. Send in a ticket if you want to be a tester for us!
- AspenCat Conference Update
- It worked well to have a virtual conference last year, so we will be virtual again this year! It will be a little later this year, likely in November. ALWAYS a free event 😊.
- Reminders for Schools
- Send in a ticket if you would like your holds back on or let us know when you would like them turned back on. Let us know if you want all holds or just for your students set. Since last year was what it was, let us know if you have resource sharing questions or would like a little refresher!
- Also, let us know if you want to do batch changes for students (middle school students moved to high school, batch delete of last year’s grads, etc.).
- Patron Cost Savings Report
- Shows what your patrons have saved in a time period by showing item replacement prices of items checked out (only as accurate as the replacement prices are). This might be a good report to show your board or your public. This is now available for the quick and full slip.
- Patron Cost Savings Report (Report #3969)
Please send in a ticket if you want any of these changes implemented or if you have any questions!