Census 2020 + Libraries = Complete Count for Colorado

You've landed at THE SOURCE for libraries about the 2020 Census!

Census 2020 Deadline: October 31, 2020

The Census is going paperless! Well, not entirely, but for the first time people will be able to respond to the Census online from anywhere, anytime.  This will have a significant impact on your library.

Start preparing now and…

  • get informed
  • be prepared for questions about filling out the census online
  • post information in your library and online (via websites and social media) to inform your community

The Colorado Census 2020 State Hub is the State Demography Office where you will find the official Colorado Census 2020 web page. Take a look at the fact sheets prepared by the Demography office. Need some basic Census 101 info?  What about confidentiality of census information?   There’s a fact sheet for that!  Best of all, there is a fact sheet just for public libraries.






CLiC Census 2020 Social Media Toolkit Available

Combine the power of social media with the trust people place in public libraries.  Use this toolkit to inform and engage your community.

It’s Important:   

  • Census count determines the number of seats each state has in the US House of Representatives. Based on 2020 population projections, Colorado could gain one seat in the House.
  • Colorado receives approximately $2300/person per year, or over $13 billion annually in federal funding.  BUT, only if people fill out their census and get counted!

It’s Easy:  10 questions, 4 ways to respond: online; by phone; by mail-in form; or in-person through an enumerator.

It’s Safe:

  • All data are protected, and records are confidential for 72 years under federal law.
  • Census Bureau will never share individual information with other government agencies.
  • All Census Bureau employees swear a lifetime oath to protect information.

Quick Reference

Consider adding the Colorado Census 2020 logo with link to your website.  When census collection opens in mid-March, add the link for the questionnaire to your home page in a prominent spot.

  • Census Bureau Customer Service Center: 800-923-8282 OR 301-763-INFO (4636)
  • Questionnaire is available in 13 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, French, Tagalog, Polish, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese
  • Questionnaires are available from the Census Bureau in many languages.  There are 59 Language Guides that can be downloaded and printed.


Looking to be the Census 2020 expert for your library?  Your path to expertise…

Engage and energize your community via social media

Follow these organizations on social media.  This is a quick and easy way to find information to share with your community as part of your own Census 2020 social media campaign.  Get started by downloading the CLiC Census 2020 Social Media toolkit.

Staff Training

For an in-person presentation, contact Sara Wright at CLiC: swright@clicweb.org

Watch this CSL In Session webinar, “Census 2020 + Libraries = Complete Count in Colorado”.