Discovery Layer updates, Back to School Cataloging Classes, and MORE! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes! You can also listen to the meeting here.
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August AspenCat Users’ Group Meeting Overview
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – cloudLibrary Pledges are Here!
Every December, we ask AspenCat Member Libraries to pledge money for the upcoming year, so that we ensure your patrons have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks. This year, with many of your patrons staying home, that pledge is even more important. If you do not know much about cloudLibrary or do not see the benefit to your patrons, please see the following fast facts!
After the Conference
Last week, we held a successful virtual conference for AspenCat libraries. However, if you were not able to attend, we’ve got you (mostly) covered. Please see below for recordings, slides, and notes. Thank you for helping to make this experience educational and enjoyable! [Read more…]
Sign up for the virtual AspenCat Conference!
This year, we will be meeting together online. Our goal has been to create a virtual experience that draws on elements from a typical in-person conference while also trying to adapt to the virtual setting. The best way we can do this is to ask for your full participation. As always, the AspenCat Conference is FREE! We look forward to seeing you October 27, from 12:00-4:00 PM! [Read more…]
New Data Cleanup Checklist
Most of us are facing an interesting time, to say the least. Our Data Cleanup Checklist offers a few ways to clean up some of your data, while you may have the time.