AspenCat is welcoming 22 Colorado Department of Corrections libraries. Our first round went live Monday, March 28th and our second round went live April 11th. These libraries will be on a separate Koha instance than our original AspenCat libraries. Colorado Department of Education’s Institutional Library Development team operates on the belief that everyone deserves a great library, and we at CLiC could not agree more! [Read more…]
cloudLibrary Pledges are Here!
Every year, we ask AspenCat Member Libraries to pledge money for the upcoming year, so that we ensure your patrons have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks. This year, with many of your patrons continuing to stay home more and explore our Pay Per Use collection, that pledge is even more important. If you do not know much about cloudLibrary or do not see the benefit to your patrons, please see the following fast facts!
After AspenCat Con
Last week, we held another successful virtual conference for AspenCat libraries. However, if you were not able to attend, we’ve got you (mostly) covered. Please see below for recordings and notes. Thank you for helping to make this experience educational and enjoyable! [Read more…]
Join us for the 2021 AspenCat Conference!
We are going virtual again this year! We will have informative guest speakers, some usual favorites, and meaningful discussions with your fellow AspenCat libraries. As always, this event is free! Please register here by November 30th. Look below to see our agenda! [Read more…]
Need to brush up on cataloging? AspenCat is in session!
Join us for Back to School Cataloging Classes! We will be covering our cataloging workflow, catalog cleanup, cataloging mistakes, and everyone’s favorite: original cataloging. These sessions will be free, easy, and recorded if you can’t make them! Please consider having at least one person from your library attend or watch!
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