Your Voice Matters

Believe it or not, it’s been more than 16 years since CLiC has received an increase to the state appropriation it uses to subsidize the statewide courier and other services provided to libraries.

CLiC is working on an advocacy project and is looking for stories about the positive impacts the statewide courier system has on your library, your patrons, and your community. Short and sweet is great, and if you have more you’d like to share please contact us at We’ll be passing on selected stories of impact to members of the CAL Legislative Committee, and we’ll be sharing your library name as well. Thank you for helping us build a picture of how and why courier is a key service for your library, and why resource sharing is crucial for Colorado libraries.

2022 Vendor Database RFP

CLiC Colorado Library Consortium Logo     Request for Proposal

The Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC) seeks proposals from database and e-resource vendors that have products able to satisfy the needs of a statewide consortium of all library types.
Please find the complete RFP here.

We think you and your colleagues will find this RFP to be a breath of fresh air. It’s NOT a lengthy or bureaucratic tome, demanding detailed checklists for your company to stipulate every aspect of its product and service offerings.

Just a little more than six pages of reading for your team. We welcome any and all of your questions.

Proposals are due in the Colorado Library Consortium office no later than Friday, February 4, 2022.

All bids and proposals should be mailed to emailed to

Questions about this RFP should be directed to: Kira Zimmerman, 303-422-1150 or

After AspenCat Con

Last week, we held another successful virtual conference for AspenCat libraries. However, if you were not able to attend, we’ve got you (mostly) covered. Please see below for recordings and notes. Thank you for helping to make this experience educational and enjoyable! [Read more…]

Join us for the 2021 AspenCat Conference!

We are going virtual again this year! We will have informative guest speakers, some usual favorites, and meaningful discussions with your fellow AspenCat libraries. As always, this event is free! Please register here by November 30th. Look below to see our agenda! [Read more…]


2022 Winter Workshop

CE in your comfy clothes – 2022 Winter Workshop

Winter Workshop is a time to come together and share successes and struggles. Some are unique and some are universal. Sharing experiences and learning is what Virtual Winter Workshop is all about.  Content crafted specifically for rural library staff plus the convenience of online access — all for just $25!

[Read more…]

Internet Filtering

Recently we heard several libraries asking about Internet filtering software. We did some research and prepared CIPA Filtering for E-Rate Compliance : Product Options for Small Public Libraries.

This brief guide provides a short overview, along with a list of potential software options. This is not comprehensive, and CLiC is not promoting any specific product.

Library best practice is to develop public policies regarding Internet use and CIPA filtering.

Have questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact the Colleague on Call team.

Database Package Survey

Database Package Survey

CLiC wants to hear from you! What is important to your library?

Your Name(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Need to brush up on cataloging? AspenCat is in session!

Join us for Back to School Cataloging Classes! We will be covering our cataloging workflow, catalog cleanup, cataloging mistakes, and everyone’s favorite: original cataloging. These sessions will be free, easy, and recorded if you can’t make them! Please consider having at least one person from your library attend or watch!
[Read more…]

Just For Kids

Affordable videos for kids!

  • Kid-safe, advertisement-free media platform they can freely explore and enjoy.
  • Just for Kids has the educational videos children want to watch, plus songs, games, and other interactives that are sure to entertain, educate, and inspire young patrons.
  • Public performance rights to facilitate library programming for kids and their parents.

Want to learn more? Contact Kira Zimmerman

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Animal Atlas