LAFCON Scholarship

CLiC is offering scholarships for the first ever Library Advocacy and Funding Conference (LAFCON) hosted by EveryLibrary.  The conference is virtual, and runs September 26th-28th, 2022.

What’s exciting is this conference is specifically designed to bring new knowledge to libraries. That’s because you’ll be hearing almost exclusively from people and organizations outside of this industry. You won’t be hearing from the same library presenters and organizations that we see at most other library conferences. Instead, EveryLibrary has sought out presenters and curated a conference agenda that will bring you all new information and ideas.  Take a look at the LAFCON 2022 agenda.

Apply for the CLiC Scholarship below. Application DEADLINE is Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

Koha Upgrade to 21.11

Koha upgrade to 21.11 is happening soon! ByWater will be upgrading our production sites Monday, August 1st at 11 PM. There will be no big changes this upgrade. [Read more…]

June AspenCat Users’ Group Meeting Overview

Koha upgrades, exciting cooperative purchases, Discovery Layer updates, and more! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes. You can also listen to the meeting here. [Read more…]


The wait is over! The NEW EBSCO package is here!

Thank you so much to the volunteers, representing libraries of all types and sizes, who took time out of their busy schedules to review and provide feedback on the different vendor products.

All of the databases from the old package are still included, PLUS we added 7 new databases.

If you are looking for the direct URLs for these new resources, please contact Kira Zimmerman.

We also have exciting news regarding accessibility!
Coming later this year, EBSCO will have a new interface that is more accessible. Please see all the new features in this short video.
As a reminder:
This cost-savings program isn’t just a subscription for a host of databases and educational content; it’s a full-support service. 32 databases are a lot to manage and promote to your patrons. CLiC is happy to set up a virtual meeting with you — to help you set up your resources within EBSCO, and on your website, to make everything the most user-friendly for your communities/students. Here is a short video regarding the difference between interfaces and databases so you are better equipped to arrange your EBSCO resources in a more efficient way for your patrons.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Kira Zimmerman, Cooperative Products Manager
Jim Duncan, Executive Director




Recruiting a Rural Public Library Director?

CLiC is known for its recruitment. Like the preparation of any tasty meal, this requires practice and attention to detail. But it’s not magic!

Here, we’ve shared our recipe for success, in four steps. Crucial: the utilization of resources (quality ingredients) at your fingertips. So, we’ve opened our pantry… with a all-new guide! Check it out.

Our Recruiting & Hiring a Rural Public Library Director guide is now available.

4 Steps to Success [Graphic] - Set Achievable Recruiting Goals; Read, Scan and Consider Using Our Resources, Templates & Expertise; Formulate a Plan and Document It; Implement Your Plan

PebbleGo Create

NEW THIS YEAR!! PebbleGo Add-On PebbleGo Create!

PebbleGo Create is digital workspace for kids to demonstrate what they’ve learned in PebbleGo.  Students can easily draw, type, record a video, and choose from thousands of engaging stickers, animations, and templates to show what they learned.  All while never leaving PebbleGo.  (Formative assessment.)

Teachers have easy access to each students’ creations, providing real-time insights on whether students are mastering the standards being taught.
Quickly sync class rosters with Microsoft 365, Google Classroom* or .CSV file.How PebbleGo Create Works [Graphic] -Step 1 Students clic 'Create' on any PebbleGo or PebbleGo Next article - Step 2 Students select a ready-made or a blank template - Step 3 Students demonstrate what they learned providing educators with authentic assessment
Two-minute video features PebbleGo Create.
PebbleGo Create Flyer

Questions? Contact Kira Zimmerman

Welcome CDOC Libraries!

AspenCat is welcoming 22 Colorado Department of Corrections libraries. Our first round went live Monday, March 28th and our second round went live April 11th.  These libraries will be on a separate Koha instance than our original AspenCat libraries. Colorado Department of Education’s Institutional Library Development team operates on the belief that everyone deserves a great library, and we at CLiC could not agree more! [Read more…]

February AspenCat Users’ Group Meeting Overview

Welcoming new libraries, a new AspenCat team member, a Prospector/SWIFT update and MORE! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes. You can also listen to the meeting here.
[Read more…]

Update: Courier codes discontinued or changed for 2021/22 service year

Man unloading bins from truck

The Courier Team has wrapped up all the internal details for the 2021/22 renewal process, and 35 libraries have discontinued service for this year. As always, you can check courier status and find codes at

Pause for a moment and think about the impact of statewide resource sharing. Here’s a quote from a Western Slope library patron about why statewide resource sharing is so important, “I am an avid reader, usually having at least 2 books on my reading table, as well as one audio book in my car for commuting and another audio book in my house for distraction during housework and exercising. I always have several materials on my Hold list (today I have 8). I am so grateful for the courier service that brings me materials from our District, as well as outside it. In fact, my life would be so much drearier without it!

That right there is why we do all the work that makes statewide resource sharing happen!

If you have preprinted courier slips on hand, please discard slips for the libraries listed below.

Courier Codes discontinued  Valor Christian High School
C136  Stephen H. Hart Research Center at History Colorado
C314  Academy School District 20 Colorado Springs
C319  Prairie Heights Elementary  Rocky Ford R-2 School District  Woodland Park RE-2 School District
C376.cs  Custer County C-1 School District
C381  Costilla County Public Library – Blanca – Fort Garland Branch
C387  San Luis Valley BOCES  Alamosa High School  Moffat 2 School District  Las Animas Schools  Pueblo ECC  Baca County Library
C548  West End RE-2 School District
C582.db  Basalt Drop Box
C590.dv  Connie Delaney Medical Library-Valley View Hospital  Pagosa Springs High School
C710  Colorado Northwestern Community College – CNCC – Craig
C720.rm  RM ECC- Gypsum
C804.ju  Julesburg RE-1 School District
C810  Northeast Colorado Bookmobile Services  Arriba-Flagler C-20 School District
C848  East Cheyenne County Library District  Park (Estes Park) R-3 School District
C876.ic  Imagine! Community Centered-Board
C886  AORN – Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses
C900  Clinical and Research Library – Children’s Hospital
C934  Johnson and Wales University – Denver Campus
C942  Weld County School District 6
C950  Clear Creek Library District – John Tomay Memorial Library Georgetown
C962  Porter Adventist Hospital
C964  National Jewish Health
C970  Saint Joseph Hospital
C974  National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Courier Code Changes

C338   Guffey Branch of Park County Library (formerly   Hugo Public Library  (formerly C842)

C722.nw   Northwest Colorado BOCES  (formerly C707)

cloudLibrary Pledges are Here!

Every year, we ask AspenCat Member Libraries to pledge money for the upcoming year, so that we ensure your patrons have access to a wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks. This year, with many of your patrons continuing to stay home more and explore our Pay Per Use collection, that pledge is even more important. If you do not know much about cloudLibrary or do not see the benefit to your patrons, please see the following fast facts!

[Read more…]