Update: FY22-23 Courier Estimates

Man unloading bins from truck

The Courier Team has initiated the annual process of sending out courier cost estimates. Those should be showing up in your email inboxes starting September 23. If you have an urgent need for your library’s estimate, please email courierhelp@clicweb.org and we’ll work to expedite that document.

Pause for a moment and think about the impact of statewide resource sharing. Here’s a quote from a Western Slope library patron about why statewide resource sharing is so important, “I am an avid reader, usually having at least 2 books on my reading table, as well as one audio book in my car for commuting and another audio book in my house for distraction during housework and exercising. I always have several materials on my Hold list (today I have 8). I am so grateful for the courier service that brings me materials from our District, as well as outside it. In fact, my life would be so much drearier without it!

That right there is why we do all the work that makes statewide resource sharing happen!

AspenCat Con ’22

Please join us for the 2022 AspenCat Conference! We will be meeting on Zoom again this year. As always, this CLiC event is free! We will have Koha and Discovery Layer updates, breakout sessions, and an AspenCat Award Winners Panel! Please register here by October 11th. See the agenda below.

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2023 CLiC Virtual Winter Workshop – Call for Presenters

2023 Presenters

2023 Virtual Winter Workshop – Call for Presenters

Talent Development from home – 2023 Virtual Winter Workshop

Virtual Winter Workshop is a time to come together and share successes and struggles. Some are unique and some are universal. Sharing experiences and learning is what Virtual Winter Workshop is all about.

Share YOUR knowledge and enthusiasm with us at the 2023 Virtual Winter Workshop.

Deadline to submit proposals is November 20, 2022.

All the information you need is linked below.
Proposal Guide
Call for Presenters Submission Form

Dates – February 23 – 24, 2023.  [Read more…]

ACDC Advantage Plus

August AspenCat Users’ Group Meeting Overview

Koha upgrade fixes, back to school reminders, new CLiC staff member, and more! Look below to see our meeting agenda and notes. You can also listen to the meeting here.

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Cooperative Purchase Survey

Possible Cooperative Purchases

At CLiC we are approached by a wide variety of vendors. It is important to us that we are working with and securing discounts that your library and community care about.

Recently, we have a few interesting vendors that we would like your opinion on. Are these products something that your library and community find value in?

We would appreciate it if you would please take a few minutes to read and either watch the video or visit the trial and give us your feedback for the following four products.



NewspaperArchive is one of the largest online newspaper databases available! They currently host over 15,500+ different publication titles, which includes over 280+ million pages of digitized newspaper content, all available on and easy-to-use searchable website. The extensive database has content available from 48 different counties and all 50 U.S. states, spanning a total of 415 years of history, with publications from 1607 - 2022. NewspaperArchive is adding anywhere from 1 - 2 million pages of new content every single month, so the database is continuously growing. Aside from the size of the database, the content that is available through NewspaperArchive varies widely from that of any other resource as well. Currently, NewspaperArchive has 85% unique content when compared to other newspaper resources on the market. NewspaperArchive also offers a variety of different services such as Microfilming and Digitization for any preservation needs, or API Access / Data Mining Solutions for large research departments or projects.

NewspaperArchive Website
NewspaperArchive Video
Is NewspaperArchive something your library would be interested in?

Qwest TV EDU

Qwest TV EDU is a celebration of unique talents, traditions, and rhythms. With 1300+ concerts and documentaries on offer, the video streaming service strives to be the world’s home for jazz, soul, funk, classical, and global music. Our diverse and curated content includes programming around Black History Month, International Jazz Day and more. Qwest TV EDU is offered as an annual subscription, available in English, French and Spanish. Highlights include: • Unlimited, simultaneous users • IP, Shibboleth and library card authentication supported • Comprehensive permissions for in-class, on-campus and remote • Usage reporting for number of log-ins and content views • HD-quality player including 4K content • Library marketing kit and regular content newsletters

Qwest TV EDU Website
Qwest TV EDU Trailer
Qwest TV EDU Trial Enter this passcode in the “Got a trial passcode?” section: CLICQTV83122
Is Qwest TV EDU something your library would be interested in?

The Shelf TV

The Shelf is a streaming platform for libraries oriented to Spanish speakers. Launched at the last PLA 2022, the platform offers Movies, Series and Performing Arts, mostly in Spanish; kids content, both English and Spanish; and an unlimited global music downloading service.

The Shelf TV Website
Is The Shelf TV something your library would be interested in?


Like exploring things first? Want to be a part of building the product? Code Koalas working with Mid Continent Public Library developed an app for parents to help teach children 0 - 5 to learn to read, called Sprouty. They are looking for libraries to take this adventure with them.

Sprouty - Condensed Demo Video
Is the Sprouty app something your library would be interested in?

Additional Thoughts

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LAFCON Scholarship

CLiC is offering scholarships for the first ever Library Advocacy and Funding Conference (LAFCON) hosted by EveryLibrary.  The conference is virtual, and runs September 26th-28th, 2022.

What’s exciting is this conference is specifically designed to bring new knowledge to libraries. That’s because you’ll be hearing almost exclusively from people and organizations outside of this industry. You won’t be hearing from the same library presenters and organizations that we see at most other library conferences. Instead, EveryLibrary has sought out presenters and curated a conference agenda that will bring you all new information and ideas.  Take a look at the LAFCON 2022 agenda.

Apply for the CLiC Scholarship below. Application DEADLINE is Tuesday, September 6, 2022.

Koha Upgrade to 21.11

Koha upgrade to 21.11 is happening soon! ByWater will be upgrading our production sites Monday, August 1st at 11 PM. There will be no big changes this upgrade. [Read more…]