About AspenCat

What AspenCat is and what it does for libraries like YOURS!

What is AspenCat?

AspenCat is a union-catalog, integrated library system running on open source software managed by CLiC, and supported by CLiC staff members. There are currently 160 AspenCat member libraries across Colorado, including public, school, and academic libraries.

A Bit About Our Structure
Terms can be confusing. CLiC, AspenCat, Bywater, Koha…
How does it all come together? We offer you this visual map to explain.

What does AspenCat do for member libraries?

AspenCat is a large database shared by all member libraries. On average, AspenCat member libraries  hold 15,000 items in their collection, however patrons have easy access to more than 1.7 million items and an ever-growing collection through AspenCat.

AspenCat library patrons and students enjoy easy access to resource sharing. By simply placing a hold, patrons can access a much larger set of materials than what is housed in their home library. AspenCat brings an entire collection of materials from throughout the state into libraries, putting the power of discovery in the hands of patrons and students.

Where is AspenCat?

AspenCat libraries can be found all over the state of Colorado from the Western Slope to the Eastern Plains. AspenCat is made up of multiple library types and serves patrons of all kinds. Click here for a list of AspenCat libraries.

What’s in AspenCat?

Take a look at the breadth of AspenCat holdings in our patron-friendly discovery layer by trying a quick search below!