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Courier Restart: So Much to Know!

Hey, Stranger!

Is your library ready to jump back into statewide resource sharing? If not, there’s no pressure from CLiC. Local control rules the day.

But if your library is ready, we first need some information from you.  Please fill out the Restoration of Courier Service form so we can let WPL (Western Peaks Logistics) know that your library is ready for service to resume.

BEFORE you get started, PLEASE read further. These details are important, so that your expectations are realistically matched with CLiC’s ability to deliver service.

  • Statewide courier service will not be turned on with a single flip of the switch. It requires a measured, staged approach because libraries are re-opening on different dates and with different service models. Local control determines when a public, academic, school or special library re-opens, and to what extent that library’s services involve interlibrary loan.
  • When a library requests that its courier service be restarted, it means the library anticipates having staff ready to receive delivery and process interlibrary loan requests. Libraries will not be allowed to periodically request starts and stops to their service. A library requesting restart of courier service should have confidence that its facilities will be operational for an extended period of time.
  • Courier service will be restored to a library after a determination by Western Peaks that a) the route is deemed efficient; b) fleet and driver capacity provides for the ability to provide sustainable, consistent pickup & delivery to the library.
  • Routing and scheduling is determined by WPL, not by CLiC or local libraries. Libraries cannot request specific time windows or changes to their delivery schedule. Deliveries/pickups will occur during either a morning window (9-1) or afternoon window (12-4). Check your current Courier Agreement for specifics on delivery days and times.


Here are a few FAQs that you may be wondering about regarding restart of courier service.

I’ve already filled out your restoration of services form. Do I need to fill it out again?

Nope, you’ve done your part! If you already filled out the form, we have your details in hand. Subsequent broadcast messages you receive from us promoting the restart and the form are meant for all of those libraries who haven’t yet filled it out.

Most libraries are getting courier now; why aren’t we?!

We understand the emotion and concern behind this question. Many libraries are receiving service, and many still are not. For a quick dive into the complexities and reasons for a slow ramp-up in this statewide service, check out Wild Days Ahead: Restarting Library Courier

What if I don’t have enough empty bins for material that needs to be picked up?

We’ve got you covered! Let us know what you need on The Restoration of Courier Service form. In late April 2020, CLiC invested $8,000 to purchase additional gray bins to help smooth the restart process.  All library material needs to be in a gray bin.

Is Western Peaks disinfecting every item that passes through its system?

No. When courier services are running at full capacity, a typical DAY could involve more than 10,000 items. Libraries are encouraged to use their own local standards of quarantining and disinfecting material.

Bins held by Western Peaks Logistics while courier services were suspended have been wiped down with disinfectant. No item-level disinfecting has been done.

Are drivers required to adopt safe-handling procedures?

Yes. Western Peaks Logistics has reported that drivers do wear gloves, masks and have been advised to follow established safety guidelines. Drivers are temperature scanned at their hub locations on a daily basis. The company, many weeks ago, created protocols for regularly disinfecting high-touch surfaces and other points for common contact. Since the onset of the public health crisis, no WPL drivers have tested positive for COVID-19.

Are libraries required to disinfect material in a standardized way?

No. Remember, time is the best disinfectant. Quarantine and disinfecting procedures are determined locally by each participating library. Many libraries are adopting 72-hour quarantine periods for material returned by patrons or received through the courier.

See the latest research-based findings for how long the COVID-19 virus lives on library material, as published by the REALM Project.

In early April, CLiC issued a guide that addresses some aspects of safe material handling. See: Returning to Service: Libraries and COVID-19. Follow your internal procedures for handling incoming materials, just as you would for materials returned by patrons.

Is there anything else I should be thinking about?

We are communicating actively with our colleagues at Marmot, the Alliance, Colorado State Library (SWIFT) and Flatirons Library Consortium. Since CLiC already manages AspenCat, we have those internal communication lines well established.

However, we strongly advise that your library think through what resource sharing looks like for your community and what dependencies on the statewide courier are involved — BEFORE turning on within your library catalog any patron-initiated interlibrary loan functionality. Consider waiting until courier is running consistently to your location.

Hooray! Is my library making a difference?

Absolutely! CLiC’s goal is to make it simple for your library, ensure communication is clear and consistent, and that all libraries choosing to participate in this resource-sharing system recognize that we’re all in this together. We’re a community. It’s imperfect, but works pretty darn well when we pitch in together.

Innovations and Initiatives

Public Library Policy Collection

Do your library’s policies need some work and review? If you’re looking for examples from other libraries, we have just the perfect resource.

The Public Library Policy Collection is available for anyone to search, browse and download example library policies.

Bear in mind that any policy you utilize should be reviewed and customized according to your local and state laws. And of course, it’s always best practice that you discuss major changes with your board (even seeking approval).

No Store

We’ll pick up, ship and resell or recycle your library’s weeded material. That income comes back to help feed CLiC’s bottom line, enabling us to more cost-effectively serve your library across all of our other services! Read more about Program guidelines and material specifications. Here’s a video with more detail, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.


Unite for Literacy

Hundreds of free online ebooks. Fill out the request form, and we’ll provide you with access to two styles of MARC records files you can import to your library’s catalog.

Wifi Service

A managed service with crazy-good wifi and statistics your library can actually use. Prepare to pinch yourself — you won’t believe how affordable it is. Check out this service flyer, or read a testimonial and then Contact us to learn more about this service and if it’s right for your library.

Key elements of the service

  • Replaces existing Wi-Fi equipment
  • Low-cost, rock-solid
  • Meaningful and accurate Wi-Fi usage statistics
  • Easy-to-access reports


Fiscal Agency & Grants Management

CLiC’s fiscal agency services are designed to provide library groups, 501(c)3 organizations and collaboratively-formed project teams with a solid organizational infrastructure. The scope of service is determined by the customer’s needs, and can range from full-spectrum support to time-bound grant projects. Contact us to discuss your fiscal agency needs.

Guide for Understanding Strident Claims
About the Electronic Resources in Your Library or School

Schools and libraries possess the expertise and responsibility to choose, license/buy and manage digital content useful to their local communities.

Some individuals in Colorado are attacking libraries and librarians for doing that work, and are claiming that databases and e-book collections are full of pornography. Previously, these individuals have demanded a statewide ban of all databases and certain e-book products. Lately, the demands are for schools and libraries to discontinue their licenses to products from EBSCO, Gale/Cengage, Proquest, Overdrive and other library vendors.

This updated guide will help the reader better understand these claims, and offers suggestions for libraries and schools in how to address such attacks.

MiCTA Resources

CLiC has already paid for membership on behalf of Colorado libraries and schools! Your organization can access ready-to-use contracts, professional RFP development, product research, competitive pricing, contract options, administrative cost savings and participation agreements. Contact us to learn more!

Video Test Page

Use this page for testing embedded video

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In State

Colorado Library – Courier Services

Stacks of bins in courier warehouse

Use our Courier Code Lookup Page to search for codes and libraries, schools or academic institutions on the Colorado courier system.

Courier Code Lookup

Use our Routing Slip Creator to create and print courier slips.

Print Courier Slips

If you’d like to report a service issue, please visit our “Contact Library Courier” page and select the relevant form.

Libraries are strongly advised to read and understand Colorado ILL Best Practices and the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, both of which provide the basis for library resource sharing in Colorado.

User Guides

Click Here to access a directory of guides. You’ll find…

  • Courier Best Practices & Procedures
  • Delivery Information
  • Selected Courier Policies
  • Courier Log Sheets templates
  • and more

Courier Holidays

Courier services are not available on the following days:

  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day (Observed)
  • Labor Day
No Store
Material recycling that helps reduce Courier costs!

We’ll pick up, ship and resell or recycle your library’s weeded material. That income comes back to help feed CLiC’s bottom line, enabling us to more cost-effectively serve your library across all of our other services! Read more about Program guidelines and material specifications. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions. Want to learn a bit more? Watch our video here…

Thumbnail for No Store Video on Vimeo


With courier costs, each library situation is unique and is dependent on local interlibrary loan practices. Operating costs are calculated annually on behalf of all participating libraries, and are a direct result of the previous year’s resource-sharing activity (July through June).

CLiC has two goals:

  1. Continue to encourage resource sharing throughout Colorado and to maintain affordable pricing for libraries that voluntarily request to participate in the Courier service.
  2. Ensure sustainability of the statewide Courier service by maintaining predictability in libraries’ costs while still allowing CLiC to “pay the bills” associated with operation of this statewide service, which has handled more than 1.8 million physical items EACH of the past three years [2022 & 2023 & 2024].

Rates have been reduced for participating libraries for FY24-25! How is this possible?

Resource sharing from last year to this year improved across Colorado, reaching more than 1.9M items loaned & borrowed among libraries, academic institutions and schools. That rise in usage would generate more participatory income from libraries utilizing our statewide infrastructure.

But CLiC does NOT manage statewide courier services to generate profit. By combining a healthy subsidy (more than $225,000) with funds projected to be raised from libraries, CLiC was actually able to reconfigure pricing and reduce costs for libraries to participate — and still cover the overall cost to operate the courier service, which for FY24-25 is anticipated to cost more than $1.1M.

Base Courier Rates (October 2024 - September 2025)

# of Stops per WeekLast Year FY23-24 RateThis Year FY24-25 RateChange
Community Stop$76.48$76.48$0 - no increase!
3 Days$555.95$555.95$0 - no increase!
4 Days$1,667.86$1,667.86$0 - no increase!
5 Days$2,606.87$2,606.87$0 - no increase!

High Volume ILL Fee Chart (October 2024 – September 2025)

Total ILLsLast Year FY23-24 RateThis Year FY24-25 Rate$Decrease (3% REDUCTION!)
<3000$ -$ -$ -
25000 and above$.35 per ILL$.35 per ILLFlat, No Change

Memory, how does it work?

Picture of 3 heads, each labeled with Sensory Memory, Short-term (working) memory and long-term memory.

Learning is a complex task, and memory is a key piece of making learning stick.  Understanding how memory works can help you design effective training. [Read more…]